Legal Status
i. Our Organization is registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975
(Registration No.110 / 88 dated 16.8.1988).
ii. Registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India under Foreign
Contributions Regulations Act (FCRA Registration No.075990044 dated. 10.3.1992) Renewed
date 17-11-2022. This renewed certificate is valid for a period of five years with effect from
iii. Registered under Income Tax Act (12 AA Income Tax Act) of Government of India
Registration AAAAT8493KE20219 dated 10-03-2022.
iv. Registered under Income Tax Act (80 G of Income Tax Act) of Government of India
AAAAT8493KF20217 dated 10-03-2022
iv. It has the DARPAN Registration Number TN/2018/0183533 from NITI AYOG, Government
of India.
v. CSR activities and the Registration number is CSR00039464 dated 20-10-2022
Vision & Mission
Empowering the rural poor and most vulnerable groups for achieving in all aspects.
- Improve the educational status of the disadvantaged girls and drop-out students
- Safeguard orphan children
- Organizing Women Self Help Groups, vocational skill training, and income generation activities
- Home (shelter) for homeless
- Protect and promote the environment through sustainable agriculture practices
- Education to the poor children, child labor, differently-able children, and dropout school children in difficult circumstances.
- Developing sustainable agriculture for the betterment of agriculturists and for food Security
- Providing care and support for the elderly persons neglected by their families
- Creating job opportunities for the women and youths.